Classroom Information
​Students must be at least 15 and 9 months old by the first day of class. NO EXCEPTIONS. Students are allowed to miss a class as long as the same section missed is made up at a later date. The Driver’s Education course must be completed within two (2) years of the date of the first class in order to receive certification for the class. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Classroom Behavior Expections
The Following Behavior is Not Tolerated and is terms for dismissal from the program without refund of Tuition/Deposit.
Offensive, derogatory, and profane terms are not tolerated. In order to have a safe classroom environment where all students feel comfortable, no put downs, swear words, or slang words with demeaning connotations will be accepted.
Cheating - This includes both students who copy from their classmates during exams, and those who use other forms of cheating, such as electronic devices to help them cheat.
Swearing - This includes using profanity to express anger or frustration, as well as using it in casual conversation. Swearing can be disruptive and unpleasant, and can have a negative impact on the learning environment of the classroom.
Fighting - This includes physical altercations between students, as well as verbal disputes. Fighting can lead to injuries, and can also be a distraction from the class
Disruptive Noise- Making too much noise can lead to difficulty concentrating on the class material, and can interfere with the learning process. Making too much noise in the classroom can be disruptive and unpleasant for both students and teachers. This includes using cell phones while in class, as well as loudly whispering to one another. This includes not keeping quiet when someone is speaking, not working quietly in their seats, or talking out of turn.
Smoking/Vaping - This includes smoking cigarettes, cigars, E-cigs, vaping or other forms of tobacco. It can also be difficult for students to concentrate when they are exposed to secondhand smoke.
Sleeping - This includes dozing off, or falling asleep. All Students are required to be awake and ready to learn.
Disrespectful Behavior - Disrespect of teachers, adults, talking back or not following directions. Disrespect of fellow students, teasing, bullying, messing with each other.
Classroom Information
​Students must be at least 15 and 9 months old by the first day of class. NO EXCEPTIONS. Students are allowed to miss a class as long as the same section missed is made up at a later date. The Driver’s Education course must be completed within two (2) years of the date of the first class in order to receive certification for the class. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Driving time will not be scheduled until after the completion of the classroom portion. Parent class must also be fulfilled before lessons can be scheduled. NO APPOINTMENTS WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE NOT PAID IN FULL, unless other arrangements have been made.
Students may be picked up at home, school or work, as long as notice is given. If a student is scheduled for a driving lesson, they must be prepared. They must have their permit with them and it must be in good condition. All pertinent information must be legible and all restrictions must be adhered to. (I.e. corrective lenses if required.)
Hoffman dutifully follows their extremely successful, well proven, and long-standing practice of booking On-Road lessons and In-Car Observation over an approximate 4-month period. This allows lessons and at home driving to reinforce each other, helping students to retain the information they receive. It is not our policy, nor ideal for the student to complete them over a shorter period unless unavoidable extenuating circumstances exist. (As an example, students who receive their permit, but delayed driving with parents by a significant amount of time (2+ months) cannot be “rushed” through. We understand that their ELIGIBILITY DATE is still 6 months after they receive their permit, but we will not book all 18 hours of lessons in a shorter amount of time just to meet their ELIGIBILITY DATE. This would be unfair to other students, as well as detrimental to your student.) This can possibly be discussed with Hoffman, and potential special arrangements may be attempted to help accommodate the student but cannot be guaranteed.
As discussed in the Classroom Session, as well as during the Parent Class, and also when 1st booking Road Lessons, all students are required to have a MINIMUM of 15 hours of driving before beginning On-Road lessons. These hours MUST be on public roads, during varied times of the day, and to various locations. This is essential to students getting the most out of their lessons. Without this foundation of driving, adding additional training will be extremely difficult and potentially detrimental to their progress. If it has been determined that during the 1st lesson with an instructor, the student or parent has not honestly informed us of the correct number of hours of driving, or if 15 hours is not enough time for the student to proceed, future lessons may be suspended. A recommendation will be given on when to resume lessons. A fee of $45 may be assessed to cover the cost of the instructor and vehicle if we determine that the student or parent was dishonest when informing us of the student's progress at home.
We will always do our best to work with a student's individual needs and schedule to ensure that they are able to complete their driving lessons in a timely manner. However, if the student has not made a sufficient effort to improve their progress, and therefor will be unable to complete their driving lessons within 12 months of starting their On-Road Lessons, we will honor and fulfil any remaining lessons that have been paid for, however no refunds can be given. Exceptions will be made for previously discussed Documented Medical Situations.
On March 17, 2022, the Mass RMV updated their mask policy as follows: Face Covering Requirement Extended until April 18, 2022. In compliance with the Transportation Safety Administration's Mask Mandate: Face covering are required for all occupants while in state vehicles for Road Test Exams until further notice - regardless of vaccination status. Masks are required for all driving lesson and license test appointments, regardless of vaccine status. Students and instructors must wear a mask for the duration of their lessons.
A minimum of a Twenty-Four (24) hour notice is required to cancel any lessons. There will be an additional Forty Five dollar ($45.00) fee for single lessons and Eighty Five dollar ($85.00) fee for double lessons owed to Hoffman Auto School if student does not meet all the cancellation requirements.